Attention : We have some new protocols for the training of Officers
and Lieutenants ,Captains Commanders on up prescribed by Fourth Continental Congress. All in new coming officers at the County or State level will be required to (regardless of service oriented history) will take The State Commander and County commanders and their Staff course along with a written exam . This course covers Operations and History and Law that commanders should know this is intended to certify all officers recognized by Fourth Continental Congress and this State Command . Far too long we have had screw ups creating standoff under false flags pretenses recently a rancher was shot over untrained wanna be Militia officers that didn't know what they were doing this course will hopefully alleviate some of those headaches.
All Texas officers above local Unit Commander will take this course. and Take a red ink oath signifying their appointment .
This is the recruitment page for the Southern Texas State Militia -23rd Regiment 2nd Battalion Field Heavy -Armored Forces You may reach the State Commander at captain_j_conner@aol.com . Fill out the lower form and email to me to become a member of the Militia. Please copy and paste it to the email, please be as truthful as possible. This is so we get to know you so we know who we are dealing with.
We at this time cannot accept felons except possibly into the legal and media civilian sector organization or unarmed medic under special approval due to current law so if you are a felon please be truthful because if it comes up you are, then we would have to separate . We are accepting new recruits and or new officers from across the state . We don't ask forADDRESSES to try and maintain the security of our recruits, just that you live in Texas. Currently their eight positions open on the command staff are disciplines known as Military occupation specialties include Operations,Communications Intelligence,Engineering, Medical, with Secondary Operations. Special Operations, Air Operations and Boat Operations .At this time Southern Texas State Militia 23rd Regiment 2nd Battalion is looking for an Intelligence Officer to be able to gather and analyze intelligence and to conduct counterintelligence within the State Command the Intel officer must be veted before being given full access. to all of our operations. At this time We are looking for a State Communications Officer who has a Ham Radio license or willing to obtain all the same qualifications apply to be appointed as an officer
To be appointed as an Officer ,the qualifications are as follows at least 4 years in the Militia with a proven record of service (or a specific skill set Specifically if you are a ham radio operator with either a Tech General or Extra license) in good standing of last unit or at least 4 years Army or Marines as an Officer or NCO
We are currently looking for State Medical Commander to qualify you must be at minimum an EMT or better at least five years as an EMT or former Military medic, A registered nurse is preferred . Atleast two years as a trauma nurse. . At this time we are looking for a new Air Operations officer and Engineer the engineer must have a degree or of some kind in Engineering Air operation officer must be able to fly Drones At this time we are looking for a Provost marshal to run our JAG office
Please see the additional new protocols at the top of the page for all Officer and Commander positions .
contact us at captain_j_conners@aol.com
We Currently are in need of either a paralegal specialist or a Constitutional attorney to be appointed as the State Command
J.A.G officer. This person will work closely with the State Commander and Provost Marshall in cooperation with the Intelligence Department.
We are in need of four provost marshal specialists of which the equivalent would be military police .
Remember copy and paste to your email and send
Captain Jason Conners
Please write in all information be prepared to email or show your DD-214
Name: ______________________________________
Location City : ____________ County:___________
Phone :_____________ Email:____________________
Are you former military ? yes____ No____
Army______ Navy_______ Coast Guard________
Air force______ Marines ______ National Guard ________
Date joined Military___________ Date separated___________
what was your M.O.S _____________________________________
Are you an EMT in good standing ?_____ Paramedic______
Nurse ______ state certified in (Prepare to show professional license)
former Law Enforcement _____ Other________
Are you interested in enlisted or officer positions
or a commanders slot ? ______________
special ops ___________
Infantry__________ Intelligence_____________
Operations___________ Communication__________
Supply/logistics____________ JAG__________________
Are you a pilot?________________
Pilots License _________________
Boat or ships captain?_______________
merchant marine papers ?
Are you a constitutional attorney or
paralegal _________________________
What interested you in contacting the Headquarters Command
as opposed to a regular infantry unit ?_____________________
How did you find the HQ Unit ? ___________________________
Will you take the State Commanders Exam for State and county and Commanders their staff ?
NO_________ Yes__________
Will you take a red ink oath reassigning you your rights as an American ? NO __________ Yes _________ Dont know __________
Will you be able to commit your time an energy to the post assigned when needed , especially if selected as an Officer or Commander ?
Yes__________ NO_________